Posts Tagged ‘evictions’

I Worked Out A Fair “Win-Win” Payment Plan With My Landlord

Saturday, May 30th, 2020


My Landlord And I Cooperated Together

These are difficult times for everyone. So many people are out of work and many have even been fired from their jobs!

The pandemic has changed the world and has hurt so many people.

And with all the schools closed many parents have to try to educate and entertain our children. This is especially tough when we can’t go to parks or playgrounds.

Landlords And Tenants And Paying Rent

As a long term tenant I have paid my rent according to the lease with my landlord all the time.

Now things have changed, the economy has changed, the whole world has changed due to the Corona Virus.

Economic Challenges

We tenants have lost hours, lost jobs, and even lost hope. This is a unique situation we have never seen before.

So How Should Tenants Deal With Their Landlord?

It’s all about being upfront and honest and working together.

Inform Your Landlord Of Your Predicament

Be open and honest with your small landlords because they will care and understand the challenges you face.

Most small landlords are nice people…they don’t want you to move (at least in my case). And they are willing to listen. And they are often flexible to reach a win-win situation.

Also, they don’t want to try to find a new tenant to replace you if possible. They want you to stay and hope you are willing to work with them.

See Things From The Landlords Point of View And Ask Them To See Things From Your Point Of View

Most small landlords are not like the rich corporate landlords living in their castles. They want you to stay and be their client.

They also know that finding another good paying tenant in the current environment will be very difficult and would prefer you to stay.

So it’s entirely possible to ‘work things out’.

Work Out A Payment Plan

I worked out a fair payment plan with my landlords.

Since I only get $2000/month from CERB and my rent is $900/month we agreed I would pay $500/month and I would catch up when the pandemic is over and I can get back to work.

This allows me to have confidence I will keep my home and also gives me $1500 for other things I need in life (and I still don’t need to dip into my savings!)

Working Together…Works!

View your small landlord as a partner in this whole crazy mess of a world.

Your small landlord likely rented themselves or have friends or kids renting so they are on your side. They might even be helping their kids or relative or friend who is renting deal with this situation.

Working Class Tenants Working With Working Class Landlords is Key

Many working class landlords aren’t rich and have bills to pay. They are usually pretty kind and flexible and if you be polite and tell them you want to work things out they will do it.

Make sure you rent from a small working class landlord because you can talk to each other and prepare win-win plans.

Stay Safe and Let’s All Work Together

B.C. says landlords can start eviction process again, effective immediately

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

We are all small business landlords in British Columbia who have ‘skin in the game’ just like you do.

Unlike bureaucrats who get salaries to claim to advocate for landlords as part of their job description our livelihoods depend on our rentals.

So the news landlords are allowed to start evicting tenants again, but not for failing to pay the rent, was a mixed bag.

On Wednesday, the province’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing said landlords can once again issue a Notice to End Tenancy for reasons other than late or missed rent payments, effective immediately.

Landlords are also once again allowed to enter a rental suite without the tenant’s consent, including for maintenance and showings, provided they give 24 hours’ notice.

Existing Eviction Orders Can Go To Court July 2

Any landlords who have existing eviction orders can take them to court for enforcement beginning on July 2nd.

The government stressed that its moratorium on evictions related to rent, and its moratorium on rent increases, remain in effect.

Officials said they will be giving the public advanced notice before lifting those measures.

“A framework will be put in place that will require landlords to work with tenants to repay rent that is owing over a reasonable period of time,” the ministry said.

This is a good start but we need to be able to evict for non-payment asap!

BC Tenants, KNOCK OUT YOUR LANDLORD LIKE MUHAMMED ALI IN 2020! You Need To Challenge Your Landlord To Make Them Respect You And Not Rip You Off!

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Make Sure You Clearly Show Your Landlord You Are A FIGHTER FOR YOUR TENANT RIGHTS! You Need To Teach Them You Will Fight Back!

The greatest heavyweight boxer of all time was a Black man named Muhammed Ali.  He was not the biggest fighter out there. In fact, he was normal sized and usually the “underdog”.  But he became the champion!


Because he knew bigger boxers underestimated him and though he was not aggressive and weak and small. He made sure they knew he was not weak and would fight aggressively and this led the other boxers to respect him.

This is the same attitude these rich landlords have against us hard working tenants. They think we are weak.  It’s why we all need to fight aggressively and teach them to respect us…and if the don’t they will get knocked out!

Use The Muhammed Ali Strategy To Get Your Landlord To Respect You And Your Rights

Most landlords think they are clever and tenants are stupid and weak and not capable of fighting back.

Why do landlords think they are so clever?

Many bought their rental properties thanks to  mortgage fraud with fake incomes. The mortgage business is very shady and how did some lowly person end up with several rental properties? Hmmm.

And then they avoided all the laws to create a likely illegal rental as cheaply as possible. A rental that is a fire trap that could lead to the deaths of you and your family.

Keep your landlord on the defensive, ALI STYLE!

Tenants Need To Show You Won’t Be Pushed Around Or Cheated On Day 1!

Mohamed Ali knew other fighters thought he was small and old.  He knew the key to his winning (and dominating) was to show the bigger, younger fighter he knew what he was doing and he was fierce and wouldn’t back down!

Ali knew that if he he looked ‘weak’ or ‘intimidated’ it would lead to even more attacks from his opponents.

So he made sure from the first second of the fight to teach his opponent/landlord a lesson

…He showed them he was going to fight harder than they were and he was going to KNOCK THEM OUT!

From The Beginning Of The Fight, Ali Would Show He Would Not Be Intimidated

Ali would come out and jab, jab, jab, punch, punch, punch.  This led the other boxer to respect him.

Tenants need to do the same thing.

Make Your Landlord Know You Fight Back HARD!

Tenants Using Ali Tactics To Fight Back And Protect Your Family

So how can use be like Ali and win?

Here’s how.

If You Are Rejected From Renting a Property You Want To Make Your Home

It’s clear that many landlords refuse tenant applicants by breaking the British Columbia Human Rights Commission Laws.

The refuse you because you are on government assistance.  They refuse you because your income isn’t high enough. They refuse you because of your race or citizenship.  They refuse you because of your family.

This is all illegal…and it’s all super common!

Landlords are breaking the law by illegally denying you the home you deserve!

Always demand an exact reason why you were refused.  Record all conversations.

File a Human Rights Complaint against the landlord who refused you. Teach them a lesson they will never forget and make sure their law-breaking will end!

When You Move In

When you move in many landlords think “HAHAHAHA I GOT YOU! PAY ME!”

They have no idea that Tenants have rights and view you as simply their “cash cow” so they can buy expensive cars, take vacations, use your rent money to pay for their kids elite private school tuition!

Just Like Ali, Show Your Power, Knowledge and Willingness to Fight On Day 1

You have to show to your landlord that you are not an idiot that they can rip off.  Most landlords don’t care about the Residential Tenancies Act and don’t care about the Tenancy Branch.

Even if they are aware of it, they think YOU WON’T DARE CHALLENGE YOUR LORD

Make Sure You Challenge Your Landlord And Protect Yourself!

If you don’t do this, your landlord will NOT RESPECT YOU AND WALK ALL OVER YOU!

I know tenants are want to focus our time on our jobs, our studies and our families, but the landlords in BC are often PREDATORS and you have to take these steps to protect yourself, especially newcomers to Canada, people on government assistance, single mothers and students.

How To Do Take Action After Moving In? (No Need To Tell Your Landlord At All!)

-First, inspect the property yourself.  If you see any potential issues call your local by-law officer to get someone to come and inspect it.

Even if you don’t see any maintenance issues, call your local by-law officer  (since you are not an expert and you want to make sure your new home is safe).

-Second, call you local Fire Department and ask for them to inspect your rental to make sure it is safe for you and your family.

-Third, if there are any issues at all file against your landlord at the Tenancy Branch.

-Fourth, if there are any issues call the ….against your landlord and they will investigate

-Fifth, if you have any issues or questions, call your landlord and if they don’t answer quickly file a at the Tenancy Branch

What Can I Do If My Landlord Threatens or Harasses Me?

-You can call the police.

-You an file at Tenancy Branch

-Call your local By-law office

-Go to your local Legal Help clinic

Even after you beat down your landlord you don’t need to move out! Your landlord will FEAR YOU, and you are the WINNER! Ali Style!

1. Keep calling them
2. Demand action
3. Don’t be polite

…Show them you are smart and will not accept any ‘bad landlord’ games!

Muhammed Ali Was Underestimated and Made Sure His Landlords/Opponents Learned Fast!

Tenants need to do the same in 2020.

Fight back.  Make complaints! Call By laws. Call the Fire Department. Take Your Landlord to the Tenancy Branch.

You thought I was weak? I Will Take You To The Tenancy Branch, Call By-laws, Call Police, Get Free Legal Help,

Landlords Fear Tenants Who Know Our Rights!

By being aggressive you educate your landlord that they better BE CAREFUL in dealing with you.

And why not? Since you are paying their mortgage and making them rich. They need us more than we need them.

Get energized and get fighting because you are right and joining a huge Tenant movement for fairness!!! Fight For Your Rights!!!

Join Us For Help and Great Services For BC Landlords!

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

BC Landlords Association Membership

Join us for a One-Time Registration Fee (No Annual Fee!) For Real Help For Landlords and Property Managers

BC landlords are waking up to the fact you need to screen tenants carefully to avoid renting to the “pro tenants” out there.

Sure there are a lot of great tenants out there. However, times have change and it’s important for landlords to protect themselves, their properties and their wallets.In the past you could rely on a handshake with tenants before you handed over the keys. Oh, those were the days!

Experienced BC landlords know there are lots of great people looking to rent safe and affordable properties from friendly and professional small landlords and also lots of not so good tenants who can end up costing you thousands of dollars in losses and months of stress.

It’s up to you to make sure you find good tenants and rent to them. And you now have the services and tools you need to identify good tenants, avoid the bad tenants out there, and become a successful BC landlord for an incredible low price.

Lots of Great Tenants, And Some Others You Need To Avoid

Landlords across British Columbia are still shocked at how a couple of serial bad tenants managed to rip off so many landlords in a short period of time.

They eventually paid one of the landlords what they avoid to avoid jail time, but there are still lots of landlords who they owe money to and the legal process for B.C. landlords seeking justice is slow and stressful.

You Can’t Get Blood From a Stone

This old saying applies for BC landlords.

If you rent to bad tenants who don’t pay rent and rip you off you will have to go to court to try to get your money back.

Canada doesn’t have debtors prisons and if your ex-tenants don’t have any money you won’t see a cent.

This is why it’s important to run tenant credit checks and rent to good tenants and avoid all the hassles of chasing bad tenants who will never pay you the rent they owe and you will never be fully paid for the stress they gave you!

Why Do BC Landlords Rent to Bad Tenants?

There is an excellent article at the Globe and Mail on this topic.

The Globe interviewed Rochelle Johannson who is a lawyer who deals with landlord and tenant disputes.

According to Rochelle too many small landlords base their decision on who to rent to on whether they “like the person or not.”

Too many landlords rely on their “gut feeling” and don’t verify what the people who want to rent your rental property say.

Even when some landlords do a bit of digging they often don’t do it the right way.

Calling a reference the renter gives you might be a friend acting as a former landlord or former employer. They will tell you lies to help their pal rent from you…and rip you off!

Get Terrific Services for BC Landlords (for only a one time registration fee!)

Join us for an affordable one-time registration fee and get access to networking, the BC Landlord Rental Kit, and premium easy to use credit check services. 

Here’s what you get, it’s an incredible deal for landlords!

1. One time registration fee only

No annual membership fee. Once you join you never have to pay another cent. Compare this with other BC landlord groups who charge you $50 just to get set up, and then they keep on charging you year after year.

2. BC Landlord Rental Kit  

Get all the documents you need in your own Rental Kit library that you can download 24/7.

3.  Landlord Community Center and LANDLORD PROFESSIONAL Forum

Network with thousands of other landlords in BC and across Canada. Get tips and advice from a huge nation-wide network of experienced and successful landlords.

4. Handbooks and Manuals

Landlords can get ahead to the line with premium landlord education.

5. Premium Credit Checks

Start running premium credit checks on tenants to protect your investment.

Property Management Companies

You can join get our BC landlord services for a one time fee just like smaller residential landlords can. Why spend thousands of dollars when you can join our landlord and property management community?

BC Landlords Help

We are not affiliated with the government. We are run by successful residential landlords and property managers not bureaucrats getting salaries.  We have worked hard to offer the best deal possible to help landlords succeed.

Our group charges only a one-time registration fee for great services including premium tenant credit check service and access to the BC Landlord Rental Kit with leases and applications! There are not “annual fees” because we understand BC landlords are on a tight budget.

Join Us and Welcome To Our Community! Get Great Tools and Services For a Low One-Time Registration Fee (No Annual Fee!)  WE ARE REAL HELP FOR SMALL RESIDENTIAL LANDLORDS!

British Columbia Landlord News

Friday, October 21st, 2011

City to seek court action on illegal suites

October 21st, 2011

West Van landlord pleads unsuccessfully for more time for his tenants to rehouse

THE City of North Vancouver is headed to the Supreme Court of B.C. to evict two households from a pair of illegal suites in an Ottawa Gardens duplex.

A divided council voted 4-3 Monday night to seek a court injunction after a lengthy, bitter debate.

The illegal suites in the building on the 200-block of West Sixth Street have been on the city’s radar for more than a decade, but a series of reviews and appeals requested by owner Arnold Wallner have fended off eviction of his tenants. In March, Wallner attempted unsuccessfully to have his property rezoned.

Wallner appeared Monday to plead for more time for his tenants to find new homes. “It is not my intention to act against the city’s bylaws,” he said. “Mister mayor and members of council, I would really like to apologize for any wrongdoing in this matter. I am asking for forgiveness and I’m asking, respectfully, for more time to sort out things.”

Wallner also presented letters from his tenants, both praising him as a good landlord and arguing there were no other comparable homes in the city at the price: $790 and $820 respectively. One tenant asked council where everyone would go if all the City of North Vancouver’s illegal suites were closed.

“It is very difficult for anyone to find anything that comes close,” Wallner said. “Not by a long shot. This is a fantastic location, and in excellent condition. I spent lots of money for upgrading.”

City staff, however, said Wallner had rebuffed their attempts at inspection and said they believed the two suites did not meet the fire safety standards of the B.C. Building Code.

Wallner was somewhat evasive about exactly how much time he wanted before Mayor Darrell Mussatto pressed him to answer a yes or no question for a twoand-a-half-month extension. Wallner also admitted he was hopeful to bring the issue before a new council following the civic election in November.

“Anyone who purchases property has an obligation to understand the legal constraints on that property,” said Coun. Pam Bookham. “Mr. Wallner has indicated that he has been aware for at least 11 years that he was operating in violation of our bylaw that doesn’t allow secondary suites in duplexes. If we were to follow the logic he has tried to argue, it seems to me any number of suites, regardless of existing bylaws, ought be allowed because it provides someone with affordable housing.”

Bookham said Wallner’s appeal was simply another delaying tactic. “I’m prepared tonight to see this matter go forward to the Supreme Court,” she said.

Under questioning from Coun. Rod Clark, Wallner said he was a West Vancouver resident and had never lived in the building himself.

“Mr. Wallner lives in British Properties,” said Clark. “This is an investment for him and nothing else. He has no ties to the property and the revenue from these suites goes into his pocket each month.”

“He’s a lousy landlord,” continued Clark, who criticized Wallner harshly for ignoring fire safety standards and city bylaws, and said he was well aware of the consequences for his tenants.

“I feel badly for the tenants, I really do,” he said. “I understand what’s going to happen here. These people are going to be displaced. That’s very regrettable.

“But the city is not the one at fault here. Mr. Wallner is at fault.”

Coun. Mary Trentadue pressed staff on exactly what action the city would take. Bylaw services manager Brad McRae said the eviction would be Wallner’s responsibility and admitted he hadn’t ever been through a similar process.

“This is a human issue,” said Trentadue. “These are people who live in a home who pay modest rent. I’ve been a renter in the city, I couldn’t find a place for that price. This home has been a rental opportunity for people for 30 years, well before it became a heritage area.

“I don’t want to see this city taking Mr. Wallner and his tenants to the Supreme Court. I think that’s an absolute waste of time and money. There are all kinds of people renting homes in this city who don’t live there. Every one of us on this council knows that. Are we going to go after all these people or just Mr. Wallner?” she said.

Couns. Guy Heywood and Bob Fearnley joined Clark and Bookham to carry the vote. Mussatto, Trentadue and Coun. Craig Keating opposed the injunction.

To read the original article please click here

Uh Oh! The Sheriff Is A Comin’!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

What Can you Do If your Tenants Refuse to Leave?

It sounds a little “wild, wild, west, doesn’t it?  Your problem tenants are finally going to leave…because the Landlord and Tenant Board directed them to do so. What do you do if they are directed to move out, and don’t?   Cue the music, kick the tumbleweed. It’s time for the Sheriff. (more…)

The eviction process in Ontario

Thursday, April 28th, 2011


May 2011 – Evictions, Landlord and Tenant Board


This is a true story of a straight forward eviction matter, that has officially qualified for the “nightmare” status we assign to our most memorable cases. (more…)

Monday, April 18th, 2011

‘Millionaire’ tenant leaves trails of angry landlords

April 15, 2011

The Toronto Star has published a fascinating report on a tenant who claims to be a millionaire.  So why doesn’t he pay the rent?


Lots of hearings cancelled tomorrow (Wed. Feb. 2, 2011) at LTB

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
Due to extreme weather conditions LTB hearings scheduled for Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 at the following locations have been cancelled and will be re-scheduled:

Best western Little River Inn
203 Queens Way West,Simcoe, ON,N3Y 2M9

Best Western Alexander Graham Bell Room
19 Holiday Drive Hwy,(403 and Gretzky Pkwy),Brantford, ON, N3T 5W5

Owen Sound:
ServiceOntario, Boardroom – Main Floor,1400 1st Avenue West, Owen Sound, ON,N4K 6Z9

Best Western Inn & Convention Centre, 930 Burnham Street, Cobourg, ON, K9A 2X9

For up to date information regarding hearing cancellations please contact our Call Centre 416-645-8080 or Toll-free 1-888-332-3234

“A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011”

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011
“A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011”
MISSISSAUGA January 25th, 2011.

Katherine Paliwoda, tells everything you need to know, and then some in her latest seminar. “A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011″ will give you the leading edge information that you need to properly and safely represent your client, or rent out your property.

Katherine is a “first class” facilitator who is far from new to the real estate industry. Participants in her live events find themselves spellbound and hanging on her every word. With 27 years of experience, Katherine Paliwoda comes highly recommended by The Ontario Landlord Association, and by virtually every student she has taught.

In this 6 hour course; “A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011″, you’ll learn about the critical things you must do, and things that you definitely shouldn’t do when purchasing, renting, and managing a residential rental property in Ontario.

Do you want to protect yourself from issues that are likely to happen when you purchase, sell, or rent your property? Katherine will break it all down for you in understandable bite sized chunks. You’ll be lead through several potential scenarios and give you solutions that can only be acquired through several years of experience in dealing with landlord tenant matters in Ontario.

If you’re a real estate investor, seasoned or novice, a real estate agent in Ontario who wants to properly protect your investor clients, or you’re a landlord in Ontario, this full day seminar was designed for you.

You will leave with a clear understanding of your rights and obligations as a landlord, which will help you to avoid unnecessary and costly legal issues. You’ll understand the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), and how it effects you as a landlord in Ontario.

This is a full day course jam packed with money saving information and tips for anyone who is a landlord in the Province of Ontario.

Katherine is offering a 15% attendance discount to members of the Ontario Landlord Association. If you are not already a member of OLA, join today!

For other dates location & registration information please visit us at 1-866-548-6358

Please note that this course does NOT qualify for CEU’s.

Landlord Tenant Matters respects the industry guidelines and governance of RECO’s educational mandate.

Our mission is to educate and coach Ontario landlords so they may have peace of mind when navigating and understanding the rules of tenancy in Ontario. Due to the nature of this training, the program has been fortunate to attract landlords who are also real estate practitioners and real estate practitioners that serve and work for the best interests of landlord investment clients.

Our program requires timely, up-to-date information and access (if needed) to the instructors during and after the educational programs we provide.

It is in our opinion that we are better served by offering our program exclusively of RECO and their CE Credit guidelines.

The Landlord Tenant Matters Team
“Peace Of Mind For Todays Landlord”