Canada Landlords Association

Welcome to the Website for BC Landlords

The Canada Landlords Association is a leading organization for small residential landlords across Canada. We provide a unified voice for private landlords and promote and protect residential landlord interests to national and local government. We provide a unified voice for private landlords and promote and protect landlord interests to national and local government.

  • Network with top professionals
  • Get advice from experienced landlords
  • Learn how the Landlord and Tenant Board works
  • Meet our recommended partners
  • Take part in landlord activities, social events.
  • A chance to "get involved!"

BC Landlords: Credit Checks For $10/Check – With Membership You Get Huge Savings – You Make Money

With a one time registration fee (only to cover our costs) you get access to credit checks for as low as $10 with the leading background screening companies in Canada.

With so many “for profit” start ups charging up to $29.99/check you save $20/check.

so after only 5 credit checks with us you are making money thanks to our huge savings for you.

Many of our members have conducted hundreds of credit checks and the huge savings is like “making money”.

Even making thousands of dollars.

And it’s so important landlords run your own checks to avoid getting fake ones with fake scores.

The BCLA has been warning landlords for years.

Our members can also get big savings on criminal checks.

It’s a Deal That Can’t Be Beat!  All For A One Time Fee! 

Become A Professional Landlord And You Can Succeed.

So many experienced and successful landlords are part of our community. And we have so many small landlords who are “in the trenches” and working hard to succeed and creating great rental homes, with great service, and renting to their 5 star clients/tenants.

Our landlord community offers the best services and advice on how you can succeed as a “SUPER” landlord that great Tenants want to rent from!

Yes, you can succeed! Learn from long term landlord successful experts.

Become A Landlord Partner And Reach A Huge Audience

Does your company offer a high-quality product or service that can help landlords (big and small) succeed in running their rental businesses?

These are difficult times for many landlords. From facing fast rising mortgage rates, the costs of maintaining your rental unit, to facing some renters who manipulate the system, the list goes on and on in 2024.

We invite you to help good landlords to succeed and improve the rental industry by becoming a valued partner.

Let us know about your product or service and we can help you reach a huge audience Canada-wide.

Contact us at:


How Much Can BC Landlords Raise The Rent In 2023?

How Much Can British Columbia Landlords Raise The Rent In 2023?

It’s Only 2%

The provincial government of British Columbia announced the maximum allowable rent increase on tenants for 2023.

Landlords in B.C. are able to increase rents by 2 per cent in 2023.

The British Columbia government made it clear landlords must give tenants three months’ notice if they want to increase rent.

To find out more about how to raise the rent in 2023 click here.


BC Landlords And Tenants – Pets

Do you allow pets into your rentals? If so, why?  If not, why not?  It’s a very hot topic these days for BC landlords.

There is a very interesting article on this subject comparing the rule here compared to other provinces.  For example, things are very different in Ontario:

Although the Ontario Landlords Association occasionally hears from members that noisy dogs have caused other tenants to move out, or that pet snakes have worried parents of toddlers, or that carpets have been damaged by cat urine, the association takes no issue with the legal provision that makes no-pet clauses unenforceable. 

“Many of our members used to rent and had pets, so pet damages are their only worry and a pet deposit would quash any concerns over damages,” Amy Wong, a volunteer with the Ontario Landlords Association, said: “We have asked for this in Ontario but don’t have it. If BC has a pet deposit, they shouldn’t have any major concerns in most cases.”

Join Our Forum And Discuss This And Other Topics With Thousands Of Other Landlords in Our BC Landlord Forum!

BC Landlords Are Facing Challenges In 2021…But Also Opportunities!

BC Landlords have had a very challenging 2020.

With the Covid pandemic many tenants couldn’t (or just didn’t) pay rent and this led to financial stress on many of us. Despite some help from the province, many did not collect full rent and others faced late rent regularly.

No Rent Increase

Small BC landlords know how our costs are rising and how important it is to increase the rent to try to cover your costs. Unfortunately, the NDP government won’t allow small landlords to raise our rents until July 2021.

Opportunities in 2021

Experienced and successful British Columbia landlords know there will also be opportunities in 2021.

When the economy gets stronger there will be more people coming to our province to work. These more qualified tenants will be on the way and looking for great rentals.

Students will also be returning. This will lead to a very strong rebound in the student rental sector.

Tenant Screening

Make sure you continue to screen your potential renters carefully. This should include references, employment proof and a credit check.

You can join the BC Landlords Association and begin running checks for under $10/check.

BC Landlords Face Challenges And Opportunities in 2021

Make sure you take advantage of the opportunities and make sure you screen all potential tenants with a credit check.

B.C. Rent Freeze Extended To July 2021

Despite All The Challenges Small BC Landlords Already Face, Now Rents Are Frozen Until July 2021

It wasn’t long ago that British Columbia landlords were informed we could  raise the rent by up to 1.4% in 2021. 

This has now changed.

B.C. rent freeze extended to July 2021

Premier John Horgan’s NDP government has extended the freeze on rent increases until July 10, 2021, one of the government’s first initiatives since being re-elected on Oct. 24.

Tenants Need Help To Pay Landlords The Rent They Owe

The rent freeze will not help most tenants as the rate for 2021 was already at a low of only 1.4%. If the Premier wants to help tenants not be be evicted he needs to extend other programs as well.

BC Landlords Association Calls For Extension Of The $500-a-month Rental Assistance Program

Our province was the leader in Canada in helping hard working tenants pay rent and help small landlords (who need rent for our businesses to survive) at least get some rent.

In many cases our tens of thousands of BC landlord members said when tenants were getting government help, it allowed landlords to work out payment plans with our tenants to avoid evictions.

Let’s Continue To Help Tenants And Help Landlords Avoid Evicting Our Tenants

The BC Landlords Association has always been grassroots.

We don’t have “spokesmen” with high salaries who aren’t even landlords giving empty speeches and expensing their lunches and cocktails at 5 star hotels.

They shamefully got all excited after our grassroots association took off and they tried to cash in and have failed landlords across British Columbia!

We’re landlords just like you!

Rent Increases Are Frozen Until July 2021, And We Need An Extension By the Premier To Extend Help For Tenants

Let’s continue to be the leader in fairness for both tenants and landlords and work together to through these challenging times

BC Landlords Association Want A Win-Win Solution For Landlords and Tenants

Let’s get this done and be the example other provinces in Canada will follow…and countries around the world will follow!

BC Landlords Can Raise the Rent 1.4 % in 2021

How Much Can A Landlord in BC Raise the Rent Next Year?

British Columbia landlords can raise the rent by up to 1.4% in 2021

How is the Rent Increase Guideline Calculated?

The rate is based on inflation. Unlike in past years only the inflation rate is used.

How Does This Compare to Other Provinces?

In Ontario, landlords are faced with the 2021 rent increase being capped at 0%

How Do I Give My Tenants Notice I’m Going to Raise the Rent?

Rent increase documents are available from government Residential Tenancy Branch here

What Does the BCLA Recommend Landlords Due Regarding the Rent Increase Guideline for 2021?

We recommend BC landlords raise the rent the maximum amount of 1.4% in 2021.

BC Landlords – Run Criminal Checks For Huge Discounted Prices

With So Many Problems From A Small Group of Bad Tenants Out There More Landlords Are Using Criminal Checks to Protect Their Rental Properties…And Now You Can Too For a Discounted Price!

BC landlords are excited about how many great tenants are out there.  These are tenants who pay their rent on time and respect both the rental property and their landlord in a mature and professional manner.

Many BC landlords have faced problems with their tenants during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s now more important than ever to protect yourself and your property!

Take Your Tenant Screening System To A Higher Level (Not Just Credit Checks, Social Media and References)

It’s time to make sure you run criminal background checks on your potential tenants. And you can now do so with our Protection Membership.

The BC Landlords Association has brought forth a revolution in tenant screening over the past decade.

Experienced and successful landlords in our community were the ones who educated others on the importance of screening your tenants very carefully.  Before we came along there was very little talk about landlord issues and few BC landlords even knew they could run credit checks on tenants (and why they should run them).

With so many good people looking for a place to ‘call home’ and rent from you, it is essential that small landlords avoid the professional tenants out there.

These professional tenants know how to manipulate the system and can lead small landlords to not only sleepless nights, but to financial ruin.

Professional Tenants Hurt Good Tenants, Not Only Their Landlord

These types of people who make leave huge damages and owed rent behind not only hurt the landlord, it hurts good tenants who are looking for a nice rental property. Landlords who face huge financial losses often leave the industry.  Or they will raise rents to help pay for the repair costs.

Sadly, we continue to see some landlords not being careful and being ripped off by these professional tenants.

We Are Proud To Be Partners With TRITON

Triton is the leading background company in Canada.

Regular criminal check price: $59.00/check + $75.00 set up charge

BC Landlord Member Price: $24.95/check and no set up charge

And it’s all for only a one time fee (no annual fee). We landlords just like you and we know how tight the budgets are for many BC Landlords and this is why we want to keep your costs down for the best services out there.

BC Landlord Tenant Criminal Checks – Become a BC LANDLORD PROTECTION Member And You Can Add Criminal Checks To Your Tenant Screening System For A Huge Discount!

Need Help In These Challenging Times?

Tenants Not Paying Rent?

Landlord and Tenant Branch is Closed?

Government Says Evictions Are Illegal?

What’s Going On And How Can Landlords Survive  (and even thrive?)

The rental industry is pretty crazy these days. According to the government we can’t even evict tenants who refuse to pay to pay rent.

And lawyers and paralegals are demanding huge fees to “help” you with no guarantees of refunds if they lose at the tenancy branch.

Go ahead and ask them: if you don’t give me the result for the thousands of dollars I pay, will you pay me back?

Now is the time for all small business landlords to join our community and we become a strong voice for change!

Network with other landlords, many successful and experienced, to make sure your rental business succeeds

Join Our Landlord Community for A One Time Registration Fee!

BC Evictions Begin Sept 1 And More!

BREAKING – Big changes are finally on the way for BC landlords.

The BC government will be lifting the moratorium on evictions Sept 1. Renters have until July 31, 2021 to pay arrears. The province is keeping rent increases frozen until the end of the year.

The rental repayment framework will apply once the ban on issuing evictions for non-payment of rent is lifted. It requires the landlord to give the tenant until July 2021 to repay any outstanding rent, as long as monthly installments are paid.

The repayment framework is designed so renters will not have to make their first payment until the 1st rent due date following 30 days notice of repayment plan. This will be Oct. 1 for most renters, assuming landlord provides repayment plan before the end of August.

Need Help With New Rules And Dealing With Your Tenants?

Join the largest landlord forum in Canada. Get help and advice from experienced and successful landlords in BC and around the country.

Landlords Need To Evict Non-Paying Tenants Now!

Small landlords are different than big REIT corporate landlords. Many of us used to rent ourselves, or we have friends and family members who rent.

We are understanding and helpful. We are patient and kind to our tenants. We want to work things out for a win-win situation.

We also need rent to be paid on time in order to survive!

-Many tenants are not paying rent or even a portion of rent.

-Many tenants even with the means to pay are simply saying “No”

In our internal polling over 60% of tenants did not pay rent on May 1st.


We understand many tenants are facing financial difficulties. Do not put their financial problems on the backs of small residential landlords who are also suffering.

Governments should help tenants with grants and interest free loans to help them pay their rent to their small landlords.

We need to open up the legal process and allow small landlords to evict non-paying renters.

If you think this is cruel then government can just give the tenants a grant or a loan, instead of putting all the pressure on small landlords.

Over 50% of our internal polling shows small landlords are going to sell as soon as they can.

This will hurt the entire rental stock of our province.

Contact the Premier Today By Sharing Your Experiences!

Please email us your story to:

This will be sent to Premier Horgan.

We Need Change, We Need The Legal System For Evictions Open Now!


Smart Tenants Will Pay Rent & Cooperate With Your Landlord For a Win-Win Situation

Small landlords know the challenges tenants face.  Because we faced them too!  Many us were renters before.

We want to work with you to keep you renting from us.

Please know that just because we own a rental property, or rent out our basement, doesn’t mean we are rich. We aren’t.

Many of us are working class people who have decided to avoid the crazy stock market and buy a rental property to help us when we retire.

We need rent to be paid so we can also survive and want to cooperate with you to make sure we have a win-win relationship. We have to pay our mortgage, property taxes, insurance, maintenance.

There are calls saying “Don’t Pay Rent” all over social media

We want to make sure tenants know good landlords want to work with you for all of us surviving.

We support tenants in need, but many of us are also on the financial edge!

To prove our support, thousands of landlords and this association are lobbying both the provincial and federal government to create a nation-wide “rent bank” that will help tenants in need get grants or low-cost loans to pay rent.

This will make sure there is no “landlord-tenant” conflicts or haggling and keep landlords in business and tenants safe in their rental homes.

Something similar to the Canada student loan system where people in temporary need get financial help from the government.

Landlords want to work with tenants (and tenant groups) to make this happen. And happen fast!

Avoid The “Don’t Pay Your Rent” Memes and Media

This isn’t a poor tenant vs. a rich evil landlord issue.

It’s a working class tenant facing challenges renting from a working class small landlord who is also facing challenges.

If you don’t pay rent (like so many are saying) it will lead to eventually being evicted with large debts, and your search for a new home will include no reference and bad credit.

Good Landlords and Good Tenants Working Together

Tenants make sure you pay your rent on time, or work it out with your landlord.

Short term easy answers like “don’t pay rent” will lead to unnecessary problems for tenants a few months from now.

These groups should be joining us to lobby for a nation-wide rent bank to truly help tenants instead of wanting to “stick it to the landlord” (which only lead to legal issues down the road). But it’s so sexy to be a revolutionary, right?

Be Smart

If you can’t pay rent work things out with your landlord who will give you a discount or deferred payments.

Paying Rent or Cooperating With Your Landlord On A Fair Payment Plan Is the Smart Move!

It’s Important To Pay Your Rent To Your Small Landlord

My name is Laura and I post under my name on the BC Landlords Forum. I’ve been active there for years to try to help other tenants and give some of my advice to help small landlords too.

These are crazy times for everyone.

And while tenants are suffering it’s also important to know your landlord might be suffering too. This pandemic is hurting everyone.

We Need To Stick Together

I used to own a house and we rented our basement out years ago and it really helped us cover our mortgage. When my husband died my children were grown so I decided to sell the house and rent.

Renting has a lot of advantages.

I don’t have to worry about any maintenance issues and my landlady has a service to cut the lawn and plow the snow.  My landlord cover my utilities so she can get just one payment each month to keep things uncomplicated.

My landlady is a teacher and her husband has his own contracting company and they are terrific.

“Are You Going To Pay The Rent?”

When all this chaos started in March and the government said ‘tenants don’t have to pay rent” my landlady called me and asked me if I was going to pay the rent.

I told her “of course I will”. She was thankful and said if I needed a break just call her.

My Landlady Is Professional and Kind, And I Make Paying Rent A Priority

I’m in a pretty good situation where I don’t need to worry about buying food and my children are adults now.  I know others might not be as safe as I am.

I’m going to pay the rent not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because I want to keep my excellent relationship with my landlady and know that if I don’t pay rent it could hurt her financially (and even lead to her selling this place).

Pay You Rent And If You Can’t Call Your Landlord

My landlady isn’t some big global corporation. She and her family invested and thanks to them I have a great place to stay at a great price.

Rent Strike Hits Small Landlords, Not The Corporate Landlords

-Not paying rent will just get rid of the small nice landlords who care about you.

-Not paying rent will not impact the big heartless corporations.

-The whole “rent strike” people are likely corporate landlords who want to get rid of small landlords who are their competition.  At least that’s what I think.

Stay Home and Stay Safe!

I’m so happy to have a great rental with a great landlady. I feel safe and don’t ever want to move.

With Love And Wishing Everyone Stays Safe,



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Get Help And Support From Successful And Experienced BC Landlords


Join Our Helpful and Supportive Community For Your Rental Business Success

BC landlords face a lot of challenges and need to be informed and careful to succeed in the current anti-landlord environment. 

Join our BC Landlord Community to network with experienced and successful British Columbia landlords.

Our community is in BC and all across Canada with tens of thousands of residential landlords networking and helping each other.

Join us and join our winning team.

 All for a one time fee!

See the information on our services pages for details.

Make Your Rental Business Successful and Profitable! (and make sure you rent to great tenants!)

Fire Safety Campaign For BC Landlords 2019-2020!

fire safety campaign

We Want Every Private Residential Landlord in BC To Make Sure Your Rental Property is “Fire Safe” to Protect Your Tenants in 2019-2020!

BC landlords know the importance of renting out nice rental units. After all, if you were a tenant you would want to rent a nice and clean property. There are lots of great tenants out there and they are seeking professional landlords who make sure their rental property looks to be in top notch condition.

Experienced BC landlords know that beauty is only step one when you rent out your property.  You also need to make sure your rental property is safe and you know the rules for safety!

These landlords know how to avoid the ‘bad tenants’ out there as you can see from Landlords in BC – Top 5 Tenant Screening Mistakes, and know good landlords who find good tenants take the time to educate ourselves on the laws of the province and provide safe housing to tenants.

Fire safety is a huge issue. It’s vitally important small residential landlords make sure their rental property is safe and legal.

In order to help BC residential landlords we contacted the very helpful Stephen Watt. He’s the Codes and Standards Coordinator for the Office of the Fire Commissioner, Emergency Management B.C.

We truly appreciate the time Officer Watt spent to help us educate residential BC landlords.

1. What are the responsibilities of private residential landlords when it comes to fire safety?

The owner or owners authorized agent is required to carry out the provisions of the BCFC.

2. What are the rules for rental properties regarding making their property fire safe? Are there general guidelines or specific rules? Where can these be found for landlords to learn to make their rentals safe for tenants?

The requirement is to maintain the existing life safety systems installed in the building in working condition as per the original approved (by local building official) design.

Smoke alarms are required (as per Bulletin Smoke Alarm Bulletin – 2012 07 16 (Revised 2013 12 13)

3. Are these rules the same in all of the province?

Yes, in all areas under provincial jurisdiction. The City of Vancouver has similar requirements.

4. What are the rules for landlords when it comes to smoke alarms?

See Smoke Alarm Bulletin – 2012 07 16 (Revised 2013 12 13)

5. What are the rules for landlords when it comes to carbon monoxide alarms?

If they are installed they are to be maintained in working condition as per manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Regarding enforcement of the laws, what type of fines can landlords face if they are not following the laws?


Offence by owner or occupier

45 (1) An owner or occupier of a building or premises who fails to comply with an order made under this Act commits an offence.

(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on conviction to the penalties provided in the Offence Act.

(3) In the case of a continuing offence, a person who commits the offence is liable to a further penalty of not more than $50 for each day during which the offence continues.

7. What can tenants do if they worry their rental home isn’t fire safe?

The OFC can be called at 1-888-988-9488

The local fire department can also be called

8. What happens if a tenant disables a smoke alarm? Can they be fined?

No the tenant cannot be fined; however, a compliance Order can be written against the owner to install a working smoke alarm.

9. Are there any great resources you recommend for residential landlords to learn more about their responsibilities when it comes to fire safety?

The OFC Bulletins, the Fire Services Act, and the BCFC

• Public Education Bulletins –

Houses used for Boarders, Lodgers and Roomers – 2005 12 20
Smoke Alarm Bulletin – 2012 07 16 (Revised 2013 12 13)
Consent to Enter a Private Dwelling – 2014 05 15

• Fire Safety Legislation

The Office of the Fire Commissioner administers the Fire Services Act and the BC Fire Code. Under this legislative authority, the Office appoints and trains local assistants to the fire commissioner (LAFC), implements fire safety regulations, processes technical code changes and resolves appeals.

Fire Services Act
2012 BC Building Code and 2012 BC Fire Code

10. How can small private residential landlords go the extra mile to make their rental property ultra safe for their tenants.

• Owners must maintain the existing life safety systems as per original approved building design.

• Provide additional battery operated smoke alarms in bedrooms , as smoke alarms in bedrooms are now required in all new dwellings unit built/constructed under the 2012 BC Building Code

• Provide tenants with OFC Bulletins and familiarization with the life safety system installed in the building, as part of fire safety planning.

BC Landlords make the extra effort to make sure your BC rental property is safe for your tenants.

BC LANDLORD PROTECTION Membership Is Now Available!

BC Landlord Protection Header

In These Challenging Times We Have Created A New Level Of Membership To Help BC Landlords Succeed

PROTECTION MEMBERSHIP Provides You With Tools & Services To Succeed For A ONE-TIME FEE

Landlords across the province know there are a lot of great renters out there. These are people who pay the rent on time and respect you and your rental property. They follow the rules and treat the rental like it’s their own home.

When you rent to these types of tenants being a landlord is a nice and often profitable experience. Being a BC landlord can be an exciting and profitable business.

Sure there are always stories of landlords facing problems in British Columbia.  But long term veterans know that if you have a professional tenant screening system and a strong network to assist you if any problems with tenants arise being a landlord can be fulfilling business investment. However, these same experienced landlords know we face new challenges.

BC Landlords Face A Lot of New Challenges

New landlords already know that one of the biggest challenges is the price just to buy your investment property.  We have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a nice and attractive rental that good tenants are looking for.

With these types of prices we need to make sure we rent to tenants who pay on time and don’t make any damages. And while there are lots of great tenants out there, if you aren’t careful you ca get burned.

A Vancouver landlord was forced to set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page after a tenant turned his rental condo into “brothel/ prostitute ring” and trashed his property.

BC landlords also face a lot of new rules such as the “vacancy tax” and more. What’s troubling is things that hard working landlords know are important for our success, such as allowing for fixed term leases, are being changed and it’s unfair.

We also have a new rent guideline formula.  For years we were allowed to raise the rent on existing tenants by the rate of inflation, plus an extra 2%.  So the rent increase guideline for 2019 was originally announce at 4.5%.

However, now the guideline has been changed and it’s only 2.5%.  Experienced landlords know our costs are going up and 2.5% is too low.

The list goes on and on (including legal marijuana) with one common theme: more rights for bad tenants and less rights for good landlords.

It’s why BC landlords need to network and help each other like never before.


With all these new challenges our BC team of landlords has come up with PROTECTION Membership to help landlords succeed. 


We’re landlords too and have “skin in the game” and are not bureaucrats getting a salary to ineffectively “defend landlord interests” with many false facts.  We know how important it is for landlords to protect ourselves and our rental properties!

For only an affordable one-time registration fee (no yearly fee) BC landlords get access to a ton of amazing tools and services that can’t be beat. Here are some of the benefits of membership:

BC Landlord Rental Kit

Get access to applications, notices and everything you need in our online library available to you 24/7.

Access To The Forums, Including the Private Members Forum Not Seen By The General Public

Network with other BC landlords and property managers as well as experienced landlords from across Canada to help you and your rental business succeed. In our Private Members Forum posts are not available to the general public and everyone is a verified landlord

Discounts on Premium Credit Checks

Get huge discounts on premium credit checks. We have partnered with Rent Check. They have over 40 years of experience in the industry and their checks PROTECT YOU FROM POTENTIAL COMPLAINTS TO THE PRIVACY COMMISSIONER AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU. Rent Check is no intrusive and for only $9.99 you protect yourself.

Criminal Checks To Add To Your Tenant Screening System

We now offer low cost criminal checks to make sure you protect your rental property.

Insurance Discounts

Get access to great insurance products for a big discount

Property Management Software

Manage your rentals the right way with discounts on terrific property management software.

Become a BC Landlord PROTECTION Member and Get Amazing Tools and Services To Help Your Rental Business Succeed and Make Profits!

All for a one-time registration fee!  We help landlords because we’re landlords too!

Landlord Communities

Our Sponsors

ZensuranceTenant Screening, Tenant Credit Check, Tenant Background Check, Landlord Screening
Tenant Screening, Tenant Credit Check, Tenant Background Check, Landlord Screening

National Landlord Help