Archive for the ‘Landlord and Tenant Questions and Answers’ Category


Monday, May 4th, 2020

Smart Tenants Will Pay Rent & Cooperate With Your Landlord For a Win-Win Situation

Small landlords know the challenges tenants face.  Because we faced them too!  Many us were renters before.

We want to work with you to keep you renting from us.

Please know that just because we own a rental property, or rent out our basement, doesn’t mean we are rich. We aren’t.

Many of us are working class people who have decided to avoid the crazy stock market and buy a rental property to help us when we retire.

We need rent to be paid so we can also survive and want to cooperate with you to make sure we have a win-win relationship. We have to pay our mortgage, property taxes, insurance, maintenance.

There are calls saying “Don’t Pay Rent” all over social media

We want to make sure tenants know good landlords want to work with you for all of us surviving.

We support tenants in need, but many of us are also on the financial edge!

To prove our support, thousands of landlords and this association are lobbying both the provincial and federal government to create a nation-wide “rent bank” that will help tenants in need get grants or low-cost loans to pay rent.

This will make sure there is no “landlord-tenant” conflicts or haggling and keep landlords in business and tenants safe in their rental homes.

Something similar to the Canada student loan system where people in temporary need get financial help from the government.

Landlords want to work with tenants (and tenant groups) to make this happen. And happen fast!

Avoid The “Don’t Pay Your Rent” Memes and Media

This isn’t a poor tenant vs. a rich evil landlord issue.

It’s a working class tenant facing challenges renting from a working class small landlord who is also facing challenges.

If you don’t pay rent (like so many are saying) it will lead to eventually being evicted with large debts, and your search for a new home will include no reference and bad credit.

Good Landlords and Good Tenants Working Together

Tenants make sure you pay your rent on time, or work it out with your landlord.

Short term easy answers like “don’t pay rent” will lead to unnecessary problems for tenants a few months from now.

These groups should be joining us to lobby for a nation-wide rent bank to truly help tenants instead of wanting to “stick it to the landlord” (which only lead to legal issues down the road). But it’s so sexy to be a revolutionary, right?

Be Smart

If you can’t pay rent work things out with your landlord who will give you a discount or deferred payments.

Paying Rent or Cooperating With Your Landlord On A Fair Payment Plan Is the Smart Move!

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

Is there a Grow-Op in your Rental Property?

Because the government can take your property if there is

The Crown can seize a King Township home used to grow marijuana, even though no criminal charges were ever filed in the case, Ontario’s highest court has ruled.  But, the government shouldn’t be able to take property without involving its owner in an investigation, the spokesperson for a landlord organization said in the aftermath of the ruling. (more…)

Do I Need a Lease?

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Answer: Yes, you need a great one!


What Makes A Good Lease?


As a seasoned veteran of hundreds of battles before the Landlord and Tenant Board, it’s clear: something is rotten in Ontario. Is it the legislation governing tenancies? The Landlord and Tenant Board? Irresponsible landlords? Predatory tenants?


Friday, April 29th, 2011

Jack Layton, Suspected bawdy house, Olivia Chow, NDP Scandal…

What we are interested in is looking at Layton’s record on Housing Issues while on Toronto City Council.  As Sue-Ann Levy wrote in the Toronto Sun: (more…)

Monday, April 25th, 2011

Get it Rented and Managed by a Pro with Real Property Management Service

RPM Service has over 20 years experience managing properties with consistent high standards. We ensure your property is rented, monies are collected and the property is well-maintained.

The leading company that offers the full service solution to residential property management giving you
total peace of mind!  Serving Toronto, Mississauga and Brampton. Specializing in homes, condos and small apartments.


Saturday, April 16th, 2011

New Landlord Legal 2011 Lease Added to the OLA Rental Kit!
