Posts Tagged ‘ottawa landlords’

British Columbia Landlords: Rent Increase Guideline 2014

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

January 1st, 2014

BC landlords British Columbia landlords Rent 2014

BC Landlords Are Asking “How Much Can I Raise the Rent In 2014?”

It’s news from the Residential Tenancies Branch that landlords all over the province are interested in.

Each year the government announces how much BC landlords can raise the rent for their tenants.

British Columbia Has Rent Control

Lots of new people who invest in residential rental properties in British Columbia are unaware we have what is called ‘Rent Control’ in this province.

This means the provincial government interferes with the rental market and controls how landlords run their rental businesses.

It doesn’t matter if you are a Vancouver landlord or if your properties are in Surrey or elsewhere, you have to obey whatever the government thinks is right when it comes to rent increases for the new year.

We are in a similar situation to what Ontario landlords face each year.

And those landlords aren’t happy with it.

Go check out the Ottawa Landlords blog to see what they face and they feel about their tiny 0.8% allowable rent increase.

How Much Can British Columbia Landlords Raise the Rent in 2014?

BC landlords can raise the rent 2.2% in 2014.

The Rent Increase for 2014 at 2.2%… It Just Feels Far Too Low!

We’ve received lots of emails already from landlords who feel the same way.

After all, the Rent Increase Guideline for BC landlords was 3.8%.

And many landlords don’t think their increased costs are lower than what we faced in 2013.

A Kelowna landlord emailed us the following message:

Property taxes go up. Hydro costs go up. Heck, even water bills are going through the roof!

Does the government really want people to invest in rental properties? Because it sure doesn’t seem like it.

I thought we decided against the NDP!

Why can’t we have the same rules as what Alberta landlords get?  My cousin is a landlord in Calgary and she is going to raise the rent over $100 for her $900 rental apartment.

That’s where the government keeps their Big Brother/Big Sister ideas away from good landlords who just want to make a profit of some sort by providing great properties to good tenants??

BC Landlords and Getting Good Results in 2014

As we have read, BC landlords faced a lot of challenges in 2013.

With a low rent increase for the new year landlords must be extra careful who they rent to.

Make sure you do proper tenant screening and don’t rent to someone who will not only give you a headache, they can stay in your property and enjoy very small rent increases for years on end.

To discuss this and other landlord matters go to the BC landlords forum.

Ontario Landlords Association – Congratulations As the OLA Landlord Forum Reaches 75,000 Posts!

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

February 13th, 2013


We want to offer congratulations to the Ontario Landlords Association and their landlord forum for reaching 75,000 posts in February 2013.

Small landlords in British Columbia have challenges. And our challenges are growing each year. You only need to read about the recent Human Rights Commission ruling saying a landlord must pay their tenant $15,000 over a ramp!

Things also haven’t been easy in Alberta recently.

If we think landlords have it bad in British Columbia and Alberta, (and we do) have to take a look at the Ontario Landlords Association website. Now that is a tough system to be in as small landlord.

Here is a brief overview of some the Ontario rules:

1. No damage deposits

That’s right. No legal deposits are allowed. If the tenants leave garbage or damages behind you have to chase them, find them, and sue them. Good luck with that!

2. No pet deposits

Tenants have pets? Of course pets can cause some damages. Except in Ontario you can’t collect a cent as a pet deposit.

3. No pet clauses are illegal

Tenants says they don’t have pets. Then, after moving in they brings lots of dogs and cats. In Ontario there’s nothing you can do about it.

4. All tenants get free government paid for legal representation (even if they are rich)

Facing your tenant at the Landlord and Tenant Board? Tenants get free government paid for lawyers with no income checks.

5. Tenants can file claims (true or not) against landlords for free

Is your tenant angry at you?  Or wants an excuse not to pay rent? They can file against you at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board free of charge. And if they lose there are no consequences.

These points are only the start of the problems Ontario Landlords face.

We are happy our sister site is helping landlords in Ontario after years of landlord there being voiceless.

They even are approved by the Ontario government!

“The Ministry greatly values the role the Ontario Landlords Association and its members play in providing quality, affordable rental housing in Ontario and recognizes the OLA provides an important voice for small private residential landlords.”

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Excellent work by the Ontario Landlords Association and your Ontario Landlord Forum

“A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011”

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

March 15th, Ottawa

April 5th, Burlington

April 7th, Toronto

April 12th, Barrie

April 14th, Peterborough

April 16th, London

Katherine Paliwoda, tells everything you need to know, and then some in her latest seminar.  “A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011″ will give you the leading edge information that you need to properly and safely represent your client, or rent out your property. (more…)

If you could change 3 things about the current laws for Ontario Landlords…

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The Ontario Landlords Association for small business landlords has received a request to create a list (with follow-up explanations) of what changes should be made to the Residential Tenancy Act and to the Landlord  Tenant Board.

Here’s a chance to get your views to those who make the decisions. Please keep it to 3 main points, and if you can add an explanation or personal experience regarding the matter, please do so.

Please post in the HELP FORUM and get YOUR VIEWS HEARD!!

Landlords get a bad deal when it comes to bad tenants

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

By Hugh Adami, Ottawa Citizen December 19, 2010

Why would anyone want to be a small landlord when there is little protection in Ontario from bad tenants?

Take Mike and Cathy Clarmo, who live in the Osgoode community of Edwards. The only way they could get a tenant to leave their rental property was with a cash payout of $3,000. And that was after 4½ years of watching the house’s resale value plummet because of their tenants’ neglect.

Their problems all started because the Clarmos couldn’t say no to an acquaintance who wanted to rent the three-bedroom bungalow they purchased in 2004. The Clarmos had just finished renovating the house when the man — a childhood friend of one of their sons — showed up at their doorstep in the spring of 2005. The couple had been planning to sell the property, which was just down the street from their home, and hoping for a $20,000-to-$25,000 profit to put toward retirement. Mike explained their plans, but the man persisted. He needed a place for his wife and children.

Mike said OK, figuring he would make some of the investment back in rent, and sell later, when the house was sure to be worth more.

Instead, cracks started appearing in their nest egg soon after the family moved in. “It broke our hearts to see the condition of the house deteriorate as it did,” says Cathy.

Probably the worst thing was that the house constantly reeked of animal urine.

The family had a dog, cat and rabbit. Drywall and floors were damaged. The garage was so cluttered that the couple was sure there was a fire risk.

Photos they took also show the front yard of the home littered with junk, including car parts such as engines and tires. The woman, who drove a school bus, damaged the eavestroughing after backing the vehicle into the house, Mike says. Rent was often late.

The Clarmos decided to sell the property after a business deal went sour. In April 2009, they gave the tenants more than two months of notice to vacate.

The tenants offered to buy the house “as is” for a reduced price. The Clarmos agreed. But the tenants couldn’t get a mortgage. The Clarmos abandoned their plan to sell after the husband approached Mike and tearfully told him he couldn’t find another house to rent.

A year later, they planned again to sell the house. But the husband, whose wife was no longer living with him, told Mike he was now well versed in tenants’ rights. He wasn’t going to move, and if Mike wanted to terminate the tenancy, he would have to go before the Landlord and Tenant Board.

Mike did so twice. He says he came away convinced that as the landlord, he was considered the bad guy.

At the first hearing, Mike spoke with a mediator, who suggested he allow his tenant to stay at the house rent-free for five months with the condition that he move by the end of this month. The man’s lawyer suggested that Mike could get him out by the end of October if he gave him a few thousand dollars on top of free rent for three months. Mike refused. He recalls the lawyer telling him that he would regret his decision as he was bound to lose the case.

Mike produced photos that he had taken of the house at the first hearing. The adjudicator joked about the one of the cluttered garage. “‘It looks like my garage,'” Mike recalls him saying. In his written decision, adjudicator Greg Joy dismisses or challenges every complaint made by the landlord.

The Clarmos found a prospective buyer for the home soon after and again applied to have the tenancy agreement terminated by Nov. 1, which was also the closing date of the sale.

The adjudicator in the second hearing reserved his decision, which allowed the tenant to stay put for at least the time being.

Mike’s lawyer suggested they give the tenant $2,000 to get out of the house. The tenant’s lawyer then came back with another figure — $3,000 — plus the demand that his client be allowed to stay until Nov. 15. Worried the board could rule in favour of the tenant and that the prospective buyers of the house would pull out of the deal, Mike agreed.

The former tenant would not return my calls.

The $3,000, which the couple feels was extortion, plus $1,400 in legal fees and $1,000 to refill the home’s oil tank are the smaller losses. The Clarmos did sell the house for $240,000 — about $25,000 more than what it cost them to buy and renovate the property in 2004. But the selling price was still a far cry from the $290,000 to $300,000 a real estate broker had told them the house would have been worth.

The Clarmos don’t know if they should be angrier with their tenants or the board.

They realize the board exists primarily to protect tenants, and with children, their tenant was bound to get even more sympathy. But, they say, their case illustrates the need for rules to protect the good landlords.