Posts Tagged ‘landlord rights’

BC Landlords Speak Out: “It’s My Property And If I Don’t Want To Rent To Tenants With Pets That’s My Right!”

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

bc landlords no pets

Landlords Speak Out And Submit Their Experiences Regarding Changes in BC Rental Laws

As part of our “Let’s Improve the British Columbia Rental Industry” we have invited landlords and tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements. These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the BC Landlords Association. We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the BC rental industry. Landlords and tenants can share your thoughts and opinions by emailing us at

BC Landlords Speak Out:  It’s My Property And If I Don’t Want To Rent To Tenants With Pets That’s My Right!

This is my first contribution here and hope is will help fix this crazy debate about making “no pets” illegal for landlords in British Columbia.

First of all I will disclose that I am a businessWOMAN and a Feminist who has had to fight hard in our patriarchal system to just get to where I am now. After decades of facing male bullying, much of it under the guise of “we have no choice” rhetoric what is happening to landlords in BC this year is just more of the same. Bullying under the guise of “fairness” or whatever. It’s all coded and those who want to destroy our property rights are just using rhetoric.

This whole issue is not about pets at all, it’s about property rights. I am the one who saved for years to afford to buy a rental in the hopes it will help me in my retirement. I’m not a government bureaucrat with a gold plated pension. As a small business person I won’t get anything from the government when I retire and have to make wise investments to protect myself.

Poverty Rates For Women Over 60 Are Higher Than For Men

bc landlords womens rights povery over 60

As a woman and a Feminist soon to be in retirement age it’s especially frightening what can happen if I don’t invest and save wisely. My rental property is a key tool for me to survive.

Pets Are Being Weaponized As A Way To Take Away My Rights

As a woman I’ve seen this types of campaigns before. These type of “moral” arguements were common in the 1970s when a woman’s right to an abortion was framed as ‘evil’ even if the woman was raped!

I Don’t Want To Rent To Tenants With Pets, And It’s My Right To Make That Decision!

With the recent decision to basically end fixed term leases it looks like the “social justice warriors” and the “millennial who want everything for free” are dead set to use the “pet issue” as a tool to continue to take away property rights. They are using the tactics of communist agitator Saul Alinksy to tug at the public heartstrings instead of showing the real issue at hand.

For example, you can see Saul Alinsky’s Rule #11

This person was a notorious commie who influenced people like Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama!  Alinksky wrote:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.

Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread blame.

Why I Don’t Want Pets?

Am I heartless? Am I some evil Trump-like entity who want to put animals to slaughter and I profit because I own the slaughterhouse?Am I just a bad person?

No, no, no.  I’m a working grandmother who was a single mom and worked damn hard to get to a point where I can take care of myself and help my daughter who went married an abusive alcoholic and has successfully brought up three excellent children with my financial help.

bc landlords womens rights poverty

As A Landlord and a Woman Let Me Run My Rental Business As I See Fit And Don’t  Tell Me What I “Must Do!”

There are many reasons for me to refuse to rent to renters with pets.  There is no need for me to explain this or justify my actions. My whole purpose is to help me, my daughter, and my grandchildren from the type of poverty so many women and girls face in our society.  My actions and decisions as a landlord are business decisions for the property I have invested in and I own.

No Pet Clauses Are All About Big Brother (Men) Telling The Rest of What To Do (and threatening us if we disagree)

If the male social justice warriors really care about pets (which I am highly suspicious of) they should lobby the government to provide more government house that accepts pets.

bc landlords pets

The Push For “Pet Rights” Is BS. If The Push For “It’s Illegal To Refuse Pets” Really Cared They Would Demand This in Government Housing (and lobby the gov’t to build this type of housing!)

Don’t try to take away my property rights with your Saul Alinsky tactic of saying “oh, all the pets are abandoned because of private landlords.” We all know this is simply bullsh*t and if you really cared about pets you would be lobbying the government to invest in pet friendly housing and not trying to take away our landlord property rights.

Fellow BC Landlords Need to Fight Back

I worked hard to invest in my rental property and we need to fight back against the male communist millennials who want to take over our every thing we own and tell us what to do.  The male elite continue to use debatable issues such as “low vacancy” and “pets” as an emotional cover to take away the property rights of hard working people who have invested in rental property in British Columbia. Just say no.

Actually, with all the bullying all landlords must yell out “NO!”.

If you could change 3 things about the current laws for Ontario Landlords…

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The Ontario Landlords Association for small business landlords has received a request to create a list (with follow-up explanations) of what changes should be made to the Residential Tenancy Act and to the Landlord  Tenant Board.

Here’s a chance to get your views to those who make the decisions. Please keep it to 3 main points, and if you can add an explanation or personal experience regarding the matter, please do so.

Please post in the HELP FORUM and get YOUR VIEWS HEARD!!

How much can I raise the rent in 2011?

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Q.  How much can I raise the rent in 2011?

A. The Annual Guideline for 2011 is 0.7%

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

Whose Job Is It to Clear the Snow?

Whose job is it to clear the snow at a rental property? The tenant or the landlord?

A woman in London makes a case for a by-law requiring landlords to clear the snow from tenants’ walkways and driveways.

The OLA’s Jane Schweitzer called the idea of ignoring what is put in the lease ‘ridiculous.’

Landlords want tenants to clear snow

Monday, January 31st, 2011

BYLAW: A city hall committee is set to consider a proposal for a new bylaw that would govern who has to shovel what

By KATE DUBINSKI, The London Free Press

If there’s ever been a time when snow removal has been on Londoners’ minds, this has been the year.

But some landlords are crying foul over suggestions they be made responsible for clearing snow from their London tenants’ walkways and driveways.

“What’s next? Are landlords going to be responsible for making sure their tenants eat their vegetables every day?” said Jane Schweitzer, a representative of the Ontario Landlord Association.

“It’s Canada. We all know we’re going to have to deal with ice and snow. I don’t think the city should be involved in these issues,” added her husband and fellow landlord, Mike Schweitzer. The couple are based in Brantford.

The Ontario Landlord Association represents landlords with properties that have 10 or fewer units.

The city’s built and natural environment committee will hear arguments Monday for a new property-standards bylaw to deal with snow removal in rental units.

“There’s no recourse for Londoners. Right now, you either kick up a fuss with the landlord or property-management company, or you go before the landlord and tenant board, which takes time and money,” said Tiffany Roschkow. She is proposing the city consider a new bylaw to make landlords responsible for shovelling or plowing walkways, driveways, ramps and parking spaces.

“It makes sense. You move into a rental property and you expect that kind of thing to be done for you.”

Roschkow lives in a three-storey walk-up in Wortley Village.

Several days before Snowmageddon, the building manager there died, leaving no one responsible for the snow clearing, Roschkow said. Piles of snow built up around cars and around the dumpster and recycling bins. Tenants began leaving their garbage bags in the hallways.

“For the garbage, I called the city and they came out right away because it was a property-standards issue but for the snow, we couldn’t do anything about it,” Roschkow said.

Someone eventually cleared a pathway to the front door about the width of a standard shovel. that didn’t help much when an elderly tenant out doing errands fell on the walkway, she noted.

“There was nothing being done about it, so I started nosing around and I realized that London doesn’t have a bylaw for rental units like Toronto does,” said Roschkow.

In London, landlords are responsible for keeping rental units in a good state of repair as required under the Residential Tenancies Act.

In Toronto, an additional property-standards bylaw states, “Steps, landings, walks, driveways, parking spaces, ramps and similar areas shall be cleared of snow and ice during and immediately following a snowfall to provide safe access and egress for persons and vehicles.”

The Ontario Landlord Association recommends leases include a section about who is responsible for snow clearing.

Ward 11 Coun. Denise Brown supports Roschkow’s proposal for a newer bylaw.

She has a visually impaired acquaintance who was stuck in his house after Snowmageddon in December and whose landlord told him to shovel his own driveway. “Eventually I had my son and husband do his driveway, but I can’t do that for the entire ward,” Brown said.

“I want staff to look at Toronto’s bylaw and what happens in other cities and to bring back recommendations so we can set something up here.”

BC LANDLORD PROTECTION Membership Is Now Available!

Thursday, March 5th, 0201

BC Landlord Protection Header

In These Challenging Times We Have Created A New Level Of Membership To Help BC Landlords Succeed

PROTECTION MEMBERSHIP Provides You With Tools & Services To Succeed For A ONE-TIME FEE

Landlords across the province know there are a lot of great renters out there. These are people who pay the rent on time and respect you and your rental property. They follow the rules and treat the rental like it’s their own home.

When you rent to these types of tenants being a landlord is a nice and often profitable experience. Being a BC landlord can be an exciting and profitable business.

Sure there are always stories of landlords facing problems in British Columbia.  But long term veterans know that if you have a professional tenant screening system and a strong network to assist you if any problems with tenants arise being a landlord can be fulfilling business investment. However, these same experienced landlords know we face new challenges.

BC Landlords Face A Lot of New Challenges

New landlords already know that one of the biggest challenges is the price just to buy your investment property.  We have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a nice and attractive rental that good tenants are looking for.

With these types of prices we need to make sure we rent to tenants who pay on time and don’t make any damages. And while there are lots of great tenants out there, if you aren’t careful you ca get burned.

A Vancouver landlord was forced to set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page after a tenant turned his rental condo into “brothel/ prostitute ring” and trashed his property.

BC landlords also face a lot of new rules such as the “vacancy tax” and more. What’s troubling is things that hard working landlords know are important for our success, such as allowing for fixed term leases, are being changed and it’s unfair.

We also have a new rent guideline formula.  For years we were allowed to raise the rent on existing tenants by the rate of inflation, plus an extra 2%.  So the rent increase guideline for 2019 was originally announce at 4.5%.

However, now the guideline has been changed and it’s only 2.5%.  Experienced landlords know our costs are going up and 2.5% is too low.

The list goes on and on (including legal marijuana) with one common theme: more rights for bad tenants and less rights for good landlords.

It’s why BC landlords need to network and help each other like never before.


With all these new challenges our BC team of landlords has come up with PROTECTION Membership to help landlords succeed. 


We’re landlords too and have “skin in the game” and are not bureaucrats getting a salary to ineffectively “defend landlord interests” with many false facts.  We know how important it is for landlords to protect ourselves and our rental properties!

For only an affordable one-time registration fee (no yearly fee) BC landlords get access to a ton of amazing tools and services that can’t be beat. Here are some of the benefits of membership:

BC Landlord Rental Kit

Get access to applications, notices and everything you need in our online library available to you 24/7.

Access To The Forums, Including the Private Members Forum Not Seen By The General Public

Network with other BC landlords and property managers as well as experienced landlords from across Canada to help you and your rental business succeed. In our Private Members Forum posts are not available to the general public and everyone is a verified landlord

Discounts on Premium Credit Checks

Get huge discounts on premium credit checks. We have partnered with Rent Check. They have over 40 years of experience in the industry and their checks PROTECT YOU FROM POTENTIAL COMPLAINTS TO THE PRIVACY COMMISSIONER AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU. Rent Check is no intrusive and for only $9.99 you protect yourself.

Criminal Checks To Add To Your Tenant Screening System

We now offer low cost criminal checks to make sure you protect your rental property.

Insurance Discounts

Get access to great insurance products for a big discount

Property Management Software

Manage your rentals the right way with discounts on terrific property management software.

Become a BC Landlord PROTECTION Member and Get Amazing Tools and Services To Help Your Rental Business Succeed and Make Profits!

All for a one-time registration fee!  We help landlords because we’re landlords too!