Landlords Speak Out And Submit Their Experiences Regarding Changes in BC Rental Laws
As part of our “Let’s Improve the British Columbia Rental Industry” we have invited landlords and tenants to share their opinions on how we can make these improvements. These opinions are from individual contributors and are not the opinions of the BC Landlords Association. We believe by fostering communication between landlords and tenants we can improve the BC rental industry. Landlords and tenants can share your thoughts and opinions by emailing us at landlordtenantsolutions@groupmail.com
BC Landlords Speak Out: It’s My Property And If I Don’t Want To Rent To Tenants With Pets That’s My Right!
This is my first contribution here and hope is will help fix this crazy debate about making “no pets” illegal for landlords in British Columbia.
First of all I will disclose that I am a businessWOMAN and a Feminist who has had to fight hard in our patriarchal system to just get to where I am now. After decades of facing male bullying, much of it under the guise of “we have no choice” rhetoric what is happening to landlords in BC this year is just more of the same. Bullying under the guise of “fairness” or whatever. It’s all coded and those who want to destroy our property rights are just using rhetoric.
This whole issue is not about pets at all, it’s about property rights. I am the one who saved for years to afford to buy a rental in the hopes it will help me in my retirement. I’m not a government bureaucrat with a gold plated pension. As a small business person I won’t get anything from the government when I retire and have to make wise investments to protect myself.
Poverty Rates For Women Over 60 Are Higher Than For Men

As a woman and a Feminist soon to be in retirement age it’s especially frightening what can happen if I don’t invest and save wisely. My rental property is a key tool for me to survive.
Pets Are Being Weaponized As A Way To Take Away My Rights
As a woman I’ve seen this types of campaigns before. These type of “moral” arguements were common in the 1970s when a woman’s right to an abortion was framed as ‘evil’ even if the woman was raped!
I Don’t Want To Rent To Tenants With Pets, And It’s My Right To Make That Decision!
With the recent decision to basically end fixed term leases it looks like the “social justice warriors” and the “millennial who want everything for free” are dead set to use the “pet issue” as a tool to continue to take away property rights. They are using the tactics of communist agitator Saul Alinksy to tug at the public heartstrings instead of showing the real issue at hand.
For example, you can see Saul Alinsky’s Rule #11
This person was a notorious commie who influenced people like Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama! Alinksky wrote:
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.
Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread blame.
Why I Don’t Want Pets?
Am I heartless? Am I some evil Trump-like entity who want to put animals to slaughter and I profit because I own the slaughterhouse?Am I just a bad person?
No, no, no. I’m a working grandmother who was a single mom and worked damn hard to get to a point where I can take care of myself and help my daughter who went married an abusive alcoholic and has successfully brought up three excellent children with my financial help.

As A Landlord and a Woman Let Me Run My Rental Business As I See Fit And Don’t Tell Me What I “Must Do!”
There are many reasons for me to refuse to rent to renters with pets. There is no need for me to explain this or justify my actions. My whole purpose is to help me, my daughter, and my grandchildren from the type of poverty so many women and girls face in our society. My actions and decisions as a landlord are business decisions for the property I have invested in and I own.
No Pet Clauses Are All About Big Brother (Men) Telling The Rest of What To Do (and threatening us if we disagree)
If the male social justice warriors really care about pets (which I am highly suspicious of) they should lobby the government to provide more government house that accepts pets.

The Push For “Pet Rights” Is BS. If The Push For “It’s Illegal To Refuse Pets” Really Cared They Would Demand This in Government Housing (and lobby the gov’t to build this type of housing!)
Don’t try to take away my property rights with your Saul Alinsky tactic of saying “oh, all the pets are abandoned because of private landlords.” We all know this is simply bullsh*t and if you really cared about pets you would be lobbying the government to invest in pet friendly housing and not trying to take away our landlord property rights.
Fellow BC Landlords Need to Fight Back
I worked hard to invest in my rental property and we need to fight back against the male communist millennials who want to take over our every thing we own and tell us what to do. The male elite continue to use debatable issues such as “low vacancy” and “pets” as an emotional cover to take away the property rights of hard working people who have invested in rental property in British Columbia. Just say no.
Actually, with all the bullying all landlords must yell out “NO!”.