Canada Landlords Association

Welcome to the Website for BC Landlords

The Canada Landlords Association is a leading organization for small residential landlords across Canada. We provide a unified voice for private landlords and promote and protect residential landlord interests to national and local government. We provide a unified voice for private landlords and promote and protect landlord interests to national and local government.

  • Network with top professionals
  • Get advice from experienced landlords
  • Learn how the Landlord and Tenant Board works
  • Meet our recommended partners
  • Take part in landlord activities, social events.
  • A chance to "get involved!"

The Ontario Landlords Association recommends is the #1 search site for apartments for rent in Toronto; rentals of apartments, condos & homes made easy for cities across Canada. (more…)

Ontario Landlord Association in the Toronto Star:

Small Landlords Feeling Squeezed

March 4, 2011 Jennifer Brown

If you ask April Stewart whether she’d recommend the life of a small landlord, she’d probably try and discourage you, at least in Ontario.


Landlord Question

I think I’m going to have to Evict…

I have a tenant who I think I’m going to have to evict. I feel I was toyed with last month and this month and served the N4 form later than I should have. I know I have to serve and L1 except they may pay up again to keep me from evicting them. (more…)

Tenants from Hell and the Ontario Ombudsman

In the summer of 2009 my husband and I had to endure a real life nightmare in dealing with a “tenant from hell.” At the time we were going through it, I was on a maternity leave with my infant son, so fortunately for me I was able to make many phone calls while we were dealing with the situation.

I believe the call I made to the Ombudsman’s office helped us in that the LTB was fully aware I had (more…)




For Immediate Release:
March 8, 2011


(Queen’s Park) – Today in Question Period Municipal Affairs and Housing Critic, Joyce Savoline, questioned Minister Bartolucci as to why the McGuinty Liberals have done nothing to modernize the rent dispute process in Ontario. The Minister refused to answer the question, showing how out of touch he is with Ontario landlords and tenants.

“It typically takes 90 days for a dispute to be resolved, costing landlords about $5, 200,” says Savoline. “This puts a tremendous strain on the rental housing sector and there is a great risk that they will get out of the industry all together, creating uncertainty for 1.3 million rental households.”

The Minister claims that the McGuinty Liberals have “struck the balance that is good for landlords and good for tenants.” A recent study released by the Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO) shows otherwise. According to the report, the majority of tenants, 69 per cent, are in favour of making it easier to evict tenants who are not paying their rent, and 86 per cent of tenants favour a quicker eviction process for tenants causing damage. (more…)

“A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011”

March 15th, Ottawa

April 5th, Burlington

April 7th, Toronto

April 12th, Barrie

April 14th, Peterborough

April 16th, London

Katherine Paliwoda, tells everything you need to know, and then some in her latest seminar.  “A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011″ will give you the leading edge information that you need to properly and safely represent your client, or rent out your property. (more…)

Heads must roll at TCHC

By SUE-ANN LEVY, City Hall Columnist

It was both surreal and pathetic.

Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) chairman David Mitchell — handpicked by the David Miller regime in March of 2008 — actually had the audacity to stand before the media Monday and claim he was both “angry and indignant” with the obscene spending and purchasing abuses discovered at Canada’s largest social housing company in Toronto Auditor-General Jeff Griffiths’ Feb. 25 report. (more…)

Damage Deposits – Bill 145 DEFEATED today at Queens Park!

Damage Deposits – Bill 145 –  Conservative Joyce Savoline introduced a bill in the Ontario Legislature that would permit landlords to collect a damage deposit equal to 1/4 of the monthly rent.  Today the Bill was defeated by votes by the Dalton McGuinty Ontario Liberals with help from the NDP.

Highlights of Our Meeting with the Ministry of Housing!!

Highlights of Our Meeting with the Ministry of Housing

February 2011 – Landlord Justice, LTB

On Thursday, February 17, 2011, Senior Members of the Ontario Landlords Association met with three Senior Members of Minister Bartolucci’s staff at the Ministry of Housing Offices, 777 Bay Street, Toronto. Also in attendance was the Honourable MPP Mike Colle, who really engaged with us and shared a number of troubling stories from his own constituents.


Ontario Landlord Association and GTS-Global Tracing Solutions

You wouldn’t think how the experience of dealing with tenants (or for this article, ex-tenants) could be so close to the story of Cinderella but when I gave it a closer look, I was surprised to see the similarities. Things CAN change when the clock strikes midnight- especially if your tenant decides to do a midnight run. That beautiful and expensive carriage (vehicle)  that you thought they owned turns out was either borrowed or leased. The great references disappear quicker then the horses that were pulling the carriage. But remember there can be a happy ending if you take the rights steps.

Let’s look at the Prince (in this case it will be played by GTS-Global Tracing Solutions) he has a clue as to where “Cinderella”  (ex-tenant) could have gone. He starts with the glass slipper, well as most people don’t realize, they leave footprints wherever they go- Cinderella is no different. And in her case the Prince is lucky that there are also some digital footprints left behind as well. So the Prince starts to analyze the foot prints and pulls out some clues for him to follow.  With a few phone calls, more searching and some helpful “info fairies” along the way he is able to locate a different location. Where the peasant girl –Cinderella (the tenant that made the midnight move) now calls home (yes she too ended up back with her evil step mother) .

So it’s not exactly like that for a skip tracing company but in many ways it is. People pretend to be things they are not and provide an “image” and information to get what they need- in this case it’s a roof over their head. That is why it’s important to start off on the right foot (sort of speak) and make sure that you are using a thorough application and doing the checks on the information provided. NOW is the time at the beginning of the relationship to confirm and ask the questions that you need answered. Don’t have time – use a service like Tenant Verification Services. At least give US a chance to start on the right path , so we can give you the best chance to recover by locating a new address for service or a new phone number so you can start your collection process. It is hard to find someone when you are their last known address and there is nothing else to go on.

GTS-Global Tracing Solutions Ltd. is here to help you recover what is rightfully yours from those that are clearly not making the right decisions.

Landlord Communities

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ZensuranceTenant Screening, Tenant Credit Check, Tenant Background Check, Landlord Screening
Tenant Screening, Tenant Credit Check, Tenant Background Check, Landlord Screening

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