We’re heard about a lot about the challenges British Columbia landlords faced this year.
Most of them involved residential landlords renting to tenants who didn’t pay their rent.
Or tenants who moved in and left leaving thousands of dollars in damages. It also included tenants who harassed their landlords.
Some tenants brag they feel justified in taking these actions because they claim landlords are ‘greedy.’
Tenant Screening
It’s essential landlords conduct proper tenant screening on prospective tenants.
In this day and age renting to someone based on a good conversation or a call to a previous landlord usually isn’t enough.
We’ve heard the stories.
Some of the worst “tenants from hell” were very charming when the landlord first met them.
Some had lots of personal references.This included glowing letters from ‘former landlords’ and ’employers’ and filled with promises to treat your rental property ‘as if it was their own.’
It is easy for landlords to find any kind of tenant for their rental property. It is much more difficult to find the right tenant who will not pose a risk to your investment.
There are lots of great tenants out there and you want to make sure you rent to them.

How Can I Find Good Tenants?
Garda Background Screening Services is proud to partner with the the CLA to help owners screen prospective tenants using our secure online technology – available in French and English – with results available in as little as 24 hours.
Gardas customized suite of services includes a tenant credit check can help provide a snapshot of a renter’s financial history.
Fast and Efficient Tool For BC Landlords
Time-pressed landlords need a tenant screening process that is simple and easy to use.
Potential renters need only to complete a consent form.
The consent form and two pieces of identification are faxed in toll free or emailed into a designated mailbox.
Get our services and receive special rates.
Should you have any questions, our dedicated account representatives are here to help.
Payment is quick and easy. Landlords can use a credit card.There are no account set up fees and no contracts to sign.
British Columbia Landlords only pay for the services they use.
Results of the checks are emailed to the landlord’s inbox in as little as one business day.
Let Garda help protect your investment and help ensure you find the right tenant.
Garda is are the country’s largest Canadian-owned background screening company. Garda clients count on us to provide them with the tools to manage risk, reduce losses, and enhance security in a cost effective and timely manner.
Protect Your Investment
Landlords all over British Columbia are being careful who they rent to.
Join the our group and start doing premium credit checks with Canada’s leading background screening company.