Tips for Renting To Students from the University of Toronto!

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Tips for Renting To Students from the University of Toronto!

#1 Unread post by Canadalandlords » March 2nd, 2014, 2:24 pm

Tips On How Can You Become a Successful Student Landlord From University of Toronto Housing Services


“I like renting to students. My houses are downtown near 3 universities in Toronto, so most of my tenants have been students.

Rent is secure, as they usually have OSAP or parental income to cover the rent.

I have indeed had students ask me to change their lightbulbs but I just tell them it is up to them to do that, offer them a ladder, and it isn’t an issue …

The dormitories at school usually only take first year students, and for second year the students have to find their own place (due to lack of space in the dorms to house everyone), so if you can get a group of second year students, you’ve got tenants for 3 more years and then they usually move out.

Best of all…No professional tenants among students…!”

Are You Interested In Renting To Students Yet?

We contacted the University of Toronto for help on getting some tips and advice on what students want from their landlords.

Read the full article at: ... t-for-you/


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