THE ULTIMATE LOOPHOLE FOR TENANTS TO WIN! Become A “Tenant-Landlord” And Make A Hell Of A Lot Of Money

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THE ULTIMATE LOOPHOLE FOR TENANTS TO WIN! Become A “Tenant-Landlord” And Make A Hell Of A Lot Of Money

#1 Unread post by TenantBusinessProfessional » June 3rd, 2021, 9:59 pm


Real World Advice To Help Tenants Survive!

You Can Bring In “Guests” Who Are Really “Tenants” Who Live There Permanently And Pay Rent To You!” (And There’s Nothing Your Landlord Can Do)

Ontario Tenants are under attack. Unlike in most other places, in Ontario evictions are being sped up by the evil capitalist Ford government. Tenants have no legal protections and can’t even get “in person” LTB hearings where we can defend ourselves.

The Landlord and Tenant Board has become a corrupt “Eviction Machine”. They even want to charge Tenants $25,000 to record people getting evicted on Zoom.

The System Is Rigged: Tenants Need New Strategies To Protect Our Lives And Our Homes

The dirty secret is privileged landlords and their high priced legal teams don’t want Tenants to know that the only way the “Ford system” can quickly evict you is if you don’t pay rent.

Tenant “group marches” and other tactics are bourgeois pipe dreams and won’t save hundreds of thousands of families being thrown on to the streets in the next couple of months.

These “tenant groups” should put down their bong pipes and help real people who need help all over Ontario!

I suspect many of these so-called tenant groups get government funding to lead Tenants astray and into a horrific situations.

Simple Fact: You Pay Rent And You Won’t Get Evicted

Not Paying Rent – This is the landlords only “fast option” to Holocaust Tenants.

They can fast fast track but it’s only non-payment of rent.

If you pay rent, you won’t be evicted!


But Last Year Doug Ford Said Tenants Don’t Have To Pay Rent!

Ford was lying!

He’s a liar. It was always the plan to trick Tenants into not paying so they could be easily and quickly evicted.

Okay, But I’m Out Of Work! How Can I Pay So Much Rent To My Landlord?

The key is not to fight the system, but to manipulate the system to survive and win.

Most of the Tenant groups out there rightfully want to fix the system. But they are day dreamers. They are great and admirable, but in reality we need to strategies to prosper and survive NOW!

The Solution Is To Become A “Tenant-Landlord” To Cover Rent (And Make Nice Juicy Profits!)

Here’s the true defense for Tenants!

Use the the system to make sure you pay rent (so your landlord can’t evict you) and also make huge profits so you can buy rental properties and get rich like your landlords are doing.

Here’s the legal advice the landlord centre gives to landlords and it’s a way for Tenants to get rich and win!

Check out the truth here from the government landlord site:

“My tenant has additional people in the unit and I suspect he is collecting rent from them but claims they are visitors. What can I do?”

Under the Residential Tenancies Act it is not illegal for a tenant to have temporary or even permanent guests as long as the tenant is still living in the unit. Unfortunately the landlord has no recourse in this situation even if the tenant is collecting rent from these other people. You can only do something if your tenant is not paying you the rent or they are causing damages to the property in which case you would serve the appropriate notices and proceed to the Landlord and Tenant Board to terminate the tenancy

Become A Tenant-Landlord, Pay The Rent, Make Profits And Beat The System!

Bring in “guests” who are really your Tenants.

This a great win-win situation.

You landlord gets paid so cannot evict you, you get to stay in your home and are protected because you pay rent, you help others with low cost housing for them and their families….WIN!!!

Good Landlords Will Support You And Appreciate Rent Paid During This Deadly Pandemic

This is a win-win-win situations for landlords to get their rent, tenants to be protected, and new guests/tenants to find a home for a low rental cost!

Win-Win-Win. ... t-evicted/

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Welfare PROUD
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Re: THE ULTIMATE LOOPHOLE FOR TENANTS TO WIN! Become A “Tenant-Landlord” And Make A Hell Of A Lot Of Money

#2 Unread post by Welfare PROUD » June 6th, 2021, 2:02 pm

Good thread.

Pay your rent and earn a nice salary from guest/tenants. 8-)

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Re: THE ULTIMATE LOOPHOLE FOR TENANTS TO WIN! Become A “Tenant-Landlord” And Make A Hell Of A Lot Of Money

#3 Unread post by Anarchist » June 6th, 2021, 9:33 pm

“My tenant has additional people in the unit and I suspect he is collecting rent from them but claims they are visitors. What can I do?”

Under the Residential Tenancies Act it is not illegal for a tenant to have temporary or even permanent guests as long as the tenant is still living in the unit. Unfortunately the landlord has no recourse in this situation even if the tenant is collecting rent from these other people. You can only do something if your tenant is not paying you the rent or they are causing damages to the property in which case you would serve the appropriate notices and proceed to the Landlord and Tenant Board to terminate the tenancy
This is from the landlords lawyers.

This how Tenants can survive and win and good landlords will be happy to get their rent and even if they aren't happy they are POWERLESS 8-)


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Re: THE ULTIMATE LOOPHOLE FOR TENANTS TO WIN! Become A “Tenant-Landlord” And Make A Hell Of A Lot Of Money

#4 Unread post by exlandlord » June 19th, 2021, 2:08 pm

The problem for the landlord is more "guests" = more wear and tear, noise, potential issues with neighbours/other tenants, etc.

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