Top 10 Landlord Answers That Are Illegal (And a warning you should not rent from them!)

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Top 10 Landlord Answers That Are Illegal (And a warning you should not rent from them!)

#1 Unread post by TenantRights » February 1st, 2021, 7:40 pm



With vacancy rates so high in Toronto and across Ontario tenant applicants can be tough and demand landlords follow the law!

Times have changed and tenants are now in the drivers seat!

When the vacancy rates were so low just a year ago many innocent and vulnerable tenant victims were afraid to ask their potential landlords important questions or they might not never find a home.

Not Being Careful When Choosing A Landlord Can Lead To Problems Later On

While it seems at first something you don’t really need to do, not screening your potential landlord can lead to huge problems down the road.

And these huge problems will occur when you not only least expect them, but when you don’t need need extra stress in your life.

For example, the landlord problems often happen when you have exams, or have important work meetings, or have important relationships visiting you or moving in.

Rental Properties Are A Dime A Dozen And Landlords Need YOU (and your $$$ to cover their costs!)

Please rent my place! Don’t you know I have a mortgage to cover, property taxes, condo fees!

Due to Covid19 many rental properties are empty. This means unlike times prior to the pandemic landlords and their over mortgaged rental properties are a dime a dozen.

Landlords need to fill their rentals and are DESPERATE to get someone in to pay their mortgage for them.

They took the risk and over-leveraged…their whole investment strategy was to sit back and collect rent!

Don’t Listen To The USA Sites!

Many American sites will tell you landlords can ask for things that are illegal covered under the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act.

For example, some American sites your landlord can say:

-We have our own screening policy

This is meaningless because Ontario landlords must follow the rules for screening tenants according the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

If they don’t follow these rules you can take them to the Human Rights Commission and get a huge penalty against them.

The rules in Ontario include:

Housing is a human right

International law says that people in Canada should be able to get good housing that they can afford. To help achieve this in Ontario, tenants and landlords (or housing providers) have rights and responsibilities under the Human Rights Code.

As a tenant, you have the right to equal treatment in housing without discrimination and harassment.

You cannot be refused an apartment, harassed by a housing provider or other tenants, or otherwise treated unfairly because of your:

race, colour or ethnic background
religious beliefs or practices
ancestry, including people of Aboriginal descent
place of origin
citizenship, including refugee status
sex (including pregnancy and gender identity)
family status
marital status, including people with a same-sex partner
sexual orientation
age, including people who are 16 or 17 years old and no longer living with their parents
receipt of public assistance.
You are also protected if you face discrimination because you are a friend or relative of someone identified above.

-We have our own pet policy

In Ontario it is illegal to not allow a tenant to have pets. You can even lie to a corrupt, rule breaking landlord and say you don’t have pets, move in, and then bring in your pets and there is nothing your landlord can do!

-We have our own guest policy

In Ontario tenants can have guests and it’s none of the landlords damn business.

-We have our own lease renewal policy

This is meaningless because in Ontario a lease automatically goes to “month by month” at the end of a fixed term lease. A landlord can’t kick you out when your lease ends.

-We have our own repairs policy

In Ontario this is meaningless because the landlord is responsible for all repairs.

-We have our own notice to leave policy

This is also all covered in the Residential Tenancies Act. A landlord must give at least 24 hours written notice to the tenant and served to the tenant in a legally acceptable way.

-We have our own policy for you to pay us huge fees for sublets

If you want to move it’s easy in Ontario and already legally covered. You can assign or sublet your apartment.

An even easier way is to just learn how Ontario tenants can legally break a fixed term lease.

-We charge a security deposit, it’s our policy

In Ontario any money other than “first and last” is ILLEGAL. If the landlords demand it you can pay it, then move in, and take your landlord to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) and get all the money back!

-What is your citizenship or refugee status, it’s our policy to know

This is illegal in Ontario.

-You need to inform me what is your source of income?

This is illegal in Ontario

The rental industry is highly regulated in Ontario. Many of your concerns are already protected under LAW and there are severe penalties you can apply to your potential landlord if they break them.

How Can I File A Human Rights Complaint Against An Illegal Landlord?

Yes, and it’s easy.

And many expert tenants say it’s very easy for tenants to win at the OHRC. Go for it!

If you need human rights legal advice or help filing an application with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, contact the Ontario Human Rights Legal Support Centre at: 416-597-4900 or 1-866-625-5179 and speak with a Human Rights Advisor.

To file an application directly with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, visit their website and follow the instructions for How to file an application.

We (The Ontario Human Rights Commission) have many progressive human rights policies that may support your application before the Human Rights Tribunal. If you want the Tribunal to consider our policy position, you have to let them know

I can’t afford another month of an empty rental! My Realtor lied to me!

Do Not Rent From Desperate Landlords Who Break The Law!

Tenants now have power with vacancy rates so high. They are desperate to find someone to rent from them to pay their mortgages and other expenses.

Demand landlords follow the law and find good landlords who know and follow the law.

Reward only lawful landlords with your rent money they are desperate to get from you to survive!

Tags: how to file a human rights complaint landlord tenant ontario, illegal landlord questions, Ontario Human Rights Commission,

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Re: Top 10 Landlord Answers That Are Illegal (And a warning you should not rent from them!)

#2 Unread post by Laura » February 1st, 2021, 9:22 pm

Wow, this is amazing.

Landlords are often tricking good tenants who want our hard earned money.

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Re: Top 10 Landlord Answers That Are Illegal (And a warning you should not rent from them!)

#3 Unread post by cassandra » February 1st, 2021, 10:43 pm

Most helpful thread ever to help Tenants.

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Re: Top 10 Landlord Answers That Are Illegal (And a warning you should not rent from them!)

#4 Unread post by Laura » February 2nd, 2021, 9:35 pm

cassandra wrote:
February 1st, 2021, 10:43 pm
Most helpful thread ever to help Tenants.
At least top 10.

Tenants are finally in the drivers seat and don't have to rent/pay unlawful small landlords! 8-)

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