I wanted to send this in and hope it gets published because hopefully it will provide a different perspective on the rental crisis we are all facing.
My landlords are a working couple who live very close to where my place is. They are very nice and we get along well. The property is in a nice area and my kids go to the local schools (which are excellent and my kids love it).
We are near parks and good shopping and my rent is affordable
Lots Of People Are Telling Me “You Don’t Have To Pay Rent
Last March my email box was full of my friends who rent saying we didn’t need to pay rent and would not have to worry about being evicted.
It’s sounded too good to be true…and I’m always worried when things sound like this.
I looked into it more and it was really confusing because Premier Ford said it and lots of groups like “don’t pay rent” were telling renters not to pay.
I Called My Landlords
When this all came out I called my landlords and discussed this with them. They told me if people don’t pay rent, they will end up paying just later on.
They also told me they depend on my rent to keep the property going.
They are heavily mortgaged, pay tons of taxes and didn’t raise the rent on me because they want to keep me renting from them.
If They Don’t Get Rent They Will Have To Sell
They told me that honestly they aren’t making any money from owning the property as unlike in downtown Toronto house prices are not increasing where we live and taxes and fees keep going up.
They said frankly if I don’t pay they would have to sell the house.
Sell The House…My Home…Where My Kids Are Growing Up In?
I know they were sincere and honest and finally saw things through their “eyes”.
They are working class people like me and I can see how they bought the property hoping it will help them in their retirement but they will only make “big money” if houses appreciate (which I doubt they ever will here.)
Love The House, And It’s Our Home…So Let’s Pay Rent
Knowing the facts of the matter I paid rent throughout and will pay in full again in September. I’m back to work and things are getting better.
We pay affordable rent and love the place and my landlords are cool and I have a better relationship than ever…And they promised never to sell the house if I want to stay!
https://ontariolandlords.org/blog/i-pai ... t-to-move/