"N4" Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out (You Are Doing Nothing Illegal By Not Paying Rent)

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Tenant Pandemic Survival Info
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"N4" Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out (You Are Doing Nothing Illegal By Not Paying Rent)

#1 Unread post by Tenant Pandemic Survival Info » April 22nd, 2020, 2:01 pm

Disclaimer: “This isn’t an attack on landlords. This is an attack on the system that got us here.”


Landlords Are Scheming To Intimidate Tenants And Pressure Us To Give Up Our Legal Rights!

May 1st is quickly approaching and renters are under even more pressure to make rent due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

A loophole in Ontario’s eviction ban means landlords can still threaten tenants with eviction notices, leading some renters to vacate their homes in the middle of this life threatening pandemic.

The Ontario government banned new eviction orders last month, with Premier Doug Ford promising “no one will be kicked out of their home or their rental apartments based on not being able to pay the rent.”

But the government later stated landlords can still serve renters an “eviction notice,” even though “eviction hearings and orders are on hold.”

So while landlords can't evict you, and there the Landlord and Tenant Board is closed and landlords cannot even get a Hearing to "try" to evict you, they are still trying.

And many are using unethical dirty tricks to make you leave your home (illegally) in these trying times!

Property Management companies like Berkley Inc. and Westbury Rentals have sent out N4s.  

And small landlords who often act so pure and innocent ("we were tenants too") are the worst offenders in trying to trick and intimidate tenants.

Tenants Need To Know:

-An eviction notice is NOT an eviction order.

-You do NOT have to leave your unit if you receive an N4 from your landlord.

-ONLY the LTB has the power to evict you (And it's closed!)


Landlords Have No Power...They Want To Trick You To Pay

Small landlords keep trying to trick tenants.

In most cases, experts say, the evictions are illegal, since landlords are required to go through the courts to evict tenants, and most courts are not currently processing eviction orders.

And the courts (LTB) are closed.  Landlords are trying to deceive you.

An Eviction Notice Doesn't Mean You Have To Move Out!

In Ontario this "N4" is toothless and powerless.



You can even use it against your landlord.

But that is for another helpful post!

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Re: "N4" Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out (You Are Doing Nothing Illegal By Not Paying Rent)

#2 Unread post by Victim » April 22nd, 2020, 11:31 pm

I'm sad and also furious how these landlords want to take the money I need for food and medicine and try to trick tenants into thinking we have to pay or get out! This is abuse and these landlords should be criminally charged for fraud!

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Welfare PROUD
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Re: "N4" Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out (You Are Doing Nothing Illegal By Not Paying Rent)

#3 Unread post by Welfare PROUD » April 23rd, 2020, 2:27 pm

Great getting this information out.Too many people think n4 means you got to leave when you dont!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: "N4" Eviction Notice Does NOT Mean You Have To Move Out (You Are Doing Nothing Illegal By Not Paying Rent)

#4 Unread post by LindaH » April 26th, 2020, 7:10 pm

Landlords are so desperate they are resorting to going door to door and demanding tenants pay immediately or "get the N4".

Landlords are also on tape saying Covid-19 is "nothing" and pay your rent!

For too long this propaganda site keeps saying "landlords are nice, they are just like you and let's work together"...it's all bulls*t to trick the media and government!

See true landlord behaviour yourself!

https://toronto.citynews.ca/video/2020/ ... pproaches/
(link is safe, goes to CityNews)

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