Tenant Allegedly Assaulted Landlord with a Punch…and a Broom

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Tenant Allegedly Assaulted Landlord with a Punch…and a Broom

#1 Unread post by OLA » February 28th, 2013, 10:28 pm

Barrie, Ontario: Tenant Allegedly Assaulted Landlord with a Punch…and a Broom and Knife!

March 1st, 2013


According to a report at Simcoe.com, police officers from Barrie, Ontario had to go to an apartment on Stanley St. because of a physical show-down between the landlord and his tenant.

The landlord and tenant fight was on

According to the Simcoe report, the tenant first allegedly punched the landlord.

Read more at http://ontariolandlords.org/blog/barrie ... and-knife/


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